ARCHITECTING Podcast - Career + Lifestyle Mentoring for Architects looking to move beyond overwhelm and make a difference through design
If you believe design can change the world, you’ve found your humans here on ARCHITECTING! This show is about the architect as a person and helps you bypass the status quo traps in our profession and teaches you how to make an impact with real life strategies. Angela Mazzi helps overwhelmed and burned out architects reclaim their passion for great design. Together, we‘ll explore Thought Leadership, how to achieve your next career level, Time/Energy Management tips to stay balanced, Promoting Wellbeing in work and life and Conscious Design and Social Change

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
The Crooked Path Leading to Your Biggest Breakthroughs
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Like a lightning bolt cutting a jagged path across the sky, your career can experience disruptions disguised as derailments. The most successful people know how to embrace the opportunities to course correct and explore new directions that lead them to exactly where they were meant to be.
Being at the top of your game career-wise is not a linear trajectory. Embrace the aligned opportunities even when they seem to take you off course.
Unrelated is relative. What seems like a zigzag on your path might actually be getting you where you were meant to be faster
Disruption is not something to be feared- it is a moment of reckoning that helps you gain clarity.
Your sense of what's possible and image of success is limited by your experiences. Have more experiences and expand what you believe is possible.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Off Course? Your career riptides and undertows may be exactly what you need
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
There you are plodding along your perfectly planned career. Doing the things you're supposed to do, even when they feel soul sucking. Putting off the dream (or abandoning it altogether) until you feel established enough to take a risk. Time to stop avoiding the riptides and undertows. They pull you under, take you off course- and make you think about what you really want to be doing. Let's explore how these "disruptors" actually keep you on the right course.
Know the difference between a distractor and a disruptor. A disruptor will tug at you- notice yourself saying "I'd love to but..." "I'll do it when..." "I can't because..."
Take inspired action and watch opportunities magnetize to you, even if they feel off course.
Make get to do things non-negotiable
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Stress Remodelling using EFT: Interview with Kelly Howe
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Stress is your body's danger response. Too bad your body doesn't know the difference between physical danger and being emotionally triggered by experiences that dredge up past traumas. Good thing there is a technique out there that let's you remodel the stress triggers in your body and mind. My guest Kelly Howe discusses why we experience stress and how to release it using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka tapping.
We don't always recognize the low level stressors that keep us in a chronic state of stress. Stress not only leads to physical and mental disease, but it shuts down rational thinking and creativity.
EFT or tapping stimulates acupressure points while voicing psychological prompts to release past traumas. It creates a sense of safety for the body which then can turn off the stress response. It clears stress when you encounter a triggering event, and also clears the root cause trauma issues associated with the trigger.
Traumas keep stress activated and leak our energy. EFT unplugs those energy vampires so you feel good more often.
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Get Wellness for the Working World to see the full hour video of Kelly's interview:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Plug in the Toaster: 3 Ways to Activate Your Potential
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Are you so busy qualifying yourself that you've lost touch of why it matters? If you want to have greater impact, get that prized role, raise or promotion, think about your energy. Listen for three ways you can activate your why and get more career traction!
While staff is the most valuable asset at any company, you have to activate your specific value.
Value is not the sum of your accomplishments, it's the magnetic energy you bring to activate them.
Trying to have mass appeal dilutes your value.
Your purpose is your differentiator
Apply your purpose like a photo filter to everything you do
The success equation is the three thing you stand for consistently. Tell your story - make it clear to people what they get when they work with you.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Your Internal Legal System is Criminalizing Your Potential
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Your internal legal system is a set of rules that consciously or unconsciously governs your life. Then you're left wondering why it feels so much easier to self abandon instead of self promote. Say buh bye to all the ways you are judging and holding yourself back
The internal legal system governs your behavior based on cultural, religious or personal beliefs.
This system creates rules for how you show up in the world and react to people and situations you encounter.
There is the letter of the law that leads to transactional behaviors (if I do this, I get that) or judgements of others (because they did this, I will/won;t do that).
Even deeper is the spirit of the law which is the motivation behind the rules of engagement and rooted in keeping you safe and accepted within your community.
Our laws are based on external validation and people pleasing, which can make them restrict behavior based on achieving what would make us successful on our terms.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Navigating a Multipassionate Career: Interview with Kate Cherichello
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Multipassionate people get a bad rap. You're drawn to many seemingly different things because you are so creative. My guest Kate Cherichello helps you find the throughline in it all and shows how to leverage your skills and interests to get better at everything.
One passion can help you introduce innovation or bring mastery to a different career, so take the time to build skills even if they seem unrelated to your primary career.
Pursuing multiple career arcs pushes you out of your comfort zone
Don't be afraid to embrace change- nothing is ever wasted. Who you were informs who you will be.
Start small but be consistent about the path you want to follow.
Don't compare yourself to others because you don't know the work that went into the "overnight success," or the pain behind a flawless public facade
Your definition of success will evolve over time, but it's always rooted in doing things that make you feel good.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday Jun 05, 2023
How to Recover from an Emotional Hangover
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Emotional Hangovers are the residual toxicity of stressful experiences. Listen in to learn more about how to avoid them and how you can recover more quickly when you do overindulge in stress.
Your definition of chaos changes as you grow and expand your capacity to take things on. Be mindful of that corresponding expansion of stressors
Stress shifts our body into survival mode which makes it more difficult to focus on anything but having our needs met. Look beyond your own experience of a situation to meet others where they are instead of judging them based on your experience of their actions.
Stress is amplified by lack based thinking. Feeling that you or your accomplishments are not good enough blocks you from being able to appreciate where you are.
To stay anchored in the chaos storm, practice gratitude, focus on the growth in your struggles, and stay focused on taking action based on your mission.
Stop feeling responsible for other people's action. It is not your responsibility to drag them across the finish line. Instead, of feeling anger, guilt or shame, focus on how you could do things better.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday May 22, 2023
Visionary Leadership and the Growth Mindset: Interview with Steph Tuss
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Visionary leadership is all about shifting from "me" to "we." To encourage a growth mindset and a common vision where risk taking is comfortable, acceptable and expected. My guest Steph Tuss shares pro tips for creating meaningful visions and getting buy in for them.
Success is not a destination but a journey. Instead of seeing is as a stationary point in your life, view it as something you move towards every day.
Your quality of life isn't tied to the roles and recognition you achieve, but the experiences you have.
When you lead with purpose, you have the ability to inspire regardless of your level of expertise.
Either you are confident you can help someone, or they are confident you can't
Visionary leaders communicate to their team a future possibility that transcends financial goals, mission or values.
Sunshining mistakes- (what, how it was made and the lesson learned) regularly removes the negative consequences of failing.
Fear is a sign of growth- you are moving out of your comfort zone.
Listen to Steph's podcast:
Connect with Steph on Instagram: @stephtuss
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Sunday May 07, 2023
Maintaining the status quo is slowly killing you
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Stuck in a cycle of meeting expectations instead of meaningful work? Feel like your career is on autopilot? Listen in to learn how to stop feeding the machine and letting expediency rule.
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We stay in our comfort zone because it is predictable (even when it's painful). Living by habits allows us to avoid confronting ourselves or others.
Habits are unconscious behaviors. Task habits let you work efficiently. Lifestyle habits are defaults to please others and numb out of situations.
When your life is driven by the need to meet expectations vs doing what feels meaningful to you, you focus more on finishing a task than the pleasure of doing or making.
Feeding the machine in this way is unsustainable and you will either break down or start playing very small.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Getting Comfortable with Uncertainty
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
The only thing that's constant is change. So why do we resist it so much? This episode explores ways you can lean into uncertainty and leverage it to be more innovative and creative (and stable) than ever.
Sign up for Stressless Success to dive deeper into this issue
Uncertainty is growth. It challenges you to question the status quo and what you really value.
When you are clear about your purpose, it becomes a compass to navigate uncertainty and see it as an adventure and an opportunity.
Check yourself when you feel risk adverse and explore what underlying fear is there that your purpose can guide you through.
Build your sense of purpose by having a 100% hour each day where you commit to personal development
Steps for embracing uncertainty: feel into the body and what it's telling you about the situation, check your choices against your purpose, seek out the adjacent possible.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

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