ARCHITECTING Podcast - Career + Lifestyle Mentoring for Architects looking to move beyond overwhelm and make a difference through design
If you believe design can change the world, you’ve found your humans here on ARCHITECTING! This show is about the architect as a person and helps you bypass the status quo traps in our profession and teaches you how to make an impact with real life strategies. Angela Mazzi helps overwhelmed and burned out architects reclaim their passion for great design. Together, we‘ll explore Thought Leadership, how to achieve your next career level, Time/Energy Management tips to stay balanced, Promoting Wellbeing in work and life and Conscious Design and Social Change

2 days ago
Why I'm Chasing the Nobel Peace Prize
2 days ago
2 days ago
The people who achieve the things that you're afraid to say you want? They're no better than you - they're just taking actions you're not. In this episode, I explore why the most audacious of goals are the only ones that should be your guideposts.
I always sign off by saying "stay inspired." Inspiration is what keeps you focused, even when you encounter setbacks. It's how you focus on what you learn by overcoming an obstacle instead of seeing the obstacle as a signal you're on the wrong path.
Being the person who (fill in the blank with your biggest dream) aligns you with your next right action. When you feel lost or discouraged, just ask yourself what the person who... would do.
While external validation isn't the point, sometimes, looking at an established milestone or award allows you to work backward from there to where you are now.
Want to learn more about design for well being? Check our the Space Doctor Series on my YouTube Channel
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday Jan 27, 2025
The When Then Conundrum
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Are you making progress towards your career goals, or excuses? Most of us have really great intentions...but all the little things in life, all the obligations, all the things we have to do first get in the way. Newsflash: success is about momentum, not prerequisites.
While you can't magically go from 0 to 60 and achieve a big goal in one fell swoop, there are always aligned actions you can take today. These stepping stones keep you moving down the path.
All those prerequisites (which have their own subsets of prerequisites) are obstacles that halt your momentum and keep you standing still.
Find a role model and ask them about their moments of truth and how they pushed past doubts and made time to achieve their success.
Make it non-negotiable that you make progress. Prioritize just 2 hours a day and you will stay motivated and start seeing results.
Aspire to be "the person who" makes a difference.
Write a letter to yourself 1 year from now listing what you did this year to get there. Include deadlines and milestones.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Inside the Leadership Challenge: A sneak peek
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
In this episode, you get to hear the Day 7 content from my 12 day Leadership Challenge. I tackle issues that aren't typically discussed (but should be) when it comes to leading. Listen in to hear about a common trap: proving your worth.
Proving yourself leads you to want to manipulate situations for your personal benefit. It sets you up to be a scorekeeper not a leader.
Proving yourself undermines your confidence and creates a dynamic that sets others up to constantly evaluate you also.
Shift to working for a cause not applause.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Be More Connected in 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Connection is an essential concept for 2025. Learn why my word of the year is unlocking ways I (and you) can relax into being supported by an ecosytem instead of going it alone.
Connection increases engagement. When you feel connected, you also feel valued, are more productive, excited and satisfied
Connection leads to more and better quality collaboration. When you feel connected, you are more likely to leverage resources, make space for innovation, build trust and have greater awareness of what others are doing.
Connection provides belonging. When you feel connected you have positive social encounters, more empathy and feel part of a group that understands you
Connections can occur around shared concepts or emotions.
Listen to the Space Doctor Sessions on my YouTube Channel:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
10 Powerful Podcasts That Will Change How You View Leadership
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
A recap of the most popular Architecting episodes of 2024 reveals a powerful theme of leadership. Listen in to hear highlights of each episode as well as how you can join my Leadership Challenge starting January 6, 2025.
Leadership isn't about following someone else's template, or having to prove yourself. It's about finding what brings you joy, getting clarity, having good boundaries, being an advocate and seeing the positive even in the failures.
Links to the top 10 most popular episodes of 2024:
Sign up for Leadership Challenge:
Listen to the Space Doctor Sessions on my YouTube Channel:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Dec 12, 2024
What Are You Making Too Hard?
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
What have you put in the too hard basket? You know, the one where things you really want to do but... go to die. In this episode, we explore why that happens and what you can do to stop avoiding and start acting.
Are you overwhelmed by too many options? This can make you less satisfied and committed to a decision even if you do make one. Stop making choice so precious and just try things on. You'll get more clarity about your preferences as you go forward.
Are you stuck in a perfectionism to procrastination loop? Know that done is always better than perfect. You get to course correct, but you have to be on a course first.
Are you feeling like it's not for you just because you're struggling? The struggle is the growth- the more you challenge yourself, the better you will get at rising to a challenge. You need to be willing to do the work before you get to the ease.
Sign up for Leadership Challenge:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Can You Get to Success Town on the Complain Train?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
In this episode, I answer a question from the Architecting community about negativity. As a leader, you have to deal with situations that can be downright adverse at times. Here's why talking about it isn't a bad thing.
Your brain is hardwired for negative bias as a survival instinct, so we naturally see what’s wrong before what’s right. That can be leveraged for good as it can paint a more complete picture. It can also be demoralizing and seen as a way to shut something down.
See a challenge instead of a problem. How can you be resourceful about meeting the challenge? What opportunities is it giving you to learn or hone your skill set? What holes in your work is it allowing you to fix?
Build on what you are learning instead of shutting it down by saying yes and instead of no but...
Stop fighting. Fighting relies on polarizing the situation, making the other party wrong. Instead, assume positive intent. This let’s you build on feedback instead of proving you are right.
Conflict is a growth. It lets us consider a more diverse point of view as well as to see how we can improve. We can’t do that if we are relentlessly positive and ignore anything we don’t agree with.
Listen to the Space Doctor Sessions on my YouTube Channel:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Nov 28, 2024
Finding Joy and Purpose in Your Work: Interview with Jill Bergman
Thursday Nov 28, 2024
Thursday Nov 28, 2024
Success is something you navigate for yourself. My guest Jill Bergman shares insights from her successful career and gives electric advice on leadership, networking, mentorship and more.
Burnout helps no one. When you need to take a break or shift to part time, don't slog through. You can negotiate work schedules to work for you.
Make a career dashboard to understand your own rhythms and patterns. Fill in the gaps using this self knowledge.
Your career has two major phases. The early part is a doing phase where you acquire technical skills. The later part is the leading phase is about holding vision and sharing your expertise.
Getting licensed is about valuing yourself as a professional. It pays compound interest throughout your career. The tests are actually designed to be taken by someone 3-5 years out of school.
Show up authentically to build trust with clients, colleagues and co-workers. Use humor to be accessible and relatable, storytelling to connect with and engage your audience, and reflective listening to create psychological safety.
The best way to advance in your career is to teach others to do what you are doing.
Be generous with your time. Build a professional network and give back through mentoring, committee work and thought leadership.
Listen to the Space Doctor Sessions on my YouTube Channel:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Friday Nov 22, 2024
Are You Stuck in an Iterative Loop?
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Does your creative process feel like a glacier? If you wan to gain confidence in your decisions (and the process that informed them), implement a better decision making structure. Listen in for all the pro tips to save you time and money.
The creative process goes through multiple divergent and convergent steps, each time becoming more granular. If you find yourself staying macro when you should be zooming in, build more structure around the information gathering divergent phases and develop better criteria for making decisions as you more to the convergent phases.
Commit to the bit. Know the constraints, understand how and why they apply, and clearly define the opportunities.
Gather data on both the voice of the customer and the process to understand how to best meet needs. Make these your decision making criteria.
Use the data informed decision process to communicate to your team as well so that they don't go down rabbit holes exploring ideas that aren't high impact.
Use priorities from your decision structure to help in value engineering. Now you can easily see where to invest vs. what to keep more basic.
Listen to the Space Doctor Sessions on my YouTube Channel:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Jumpstart Your Creativity
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Wanna go lights out on your next creative pursuit? It won't come from slogging away, over-analyzing everything or getting lost in the busywork. If maintaining has become your way of life, you need a big time reset. Listen in to hear how to rewire your brain and body to be a creative powerhouse.
Take those waking moments before your brain kicks into overdrive to feel the love for what and who yo have in life. Then keep the oxytocin flowing with an affirmation. Add a meditation and journaling session to complete your morning ritual and start your day resilient.
Once you start work, take a break when you get stuck to reset and do something inspiring instead of powering through. Introduce play into your approach to work and don't forget to ask, "so what?" to keep things in perspective. Collaborate with others to introduce a fresh perspective.
Prevent overwhelm and exhaustion by having good boundaries and making self care your first resort, not what you do after you've fallen apart.
Celebrate the big and small wins
Look for ways you can learn something new or push the boundaries with something that's gotten too familiar.
Listen to the Space Doctor Sessions on my YouTube Channel:
Give Architecting a Google review- be sure to name the episode!
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Interested in sponsoring a show or having me as a guest on your podcast or community? Stop here to get information.
Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

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