ARCHITECTING Podcast - Career + Lifestyle Mentoring for Architects looking to move beyond overwhelm and make a difference through design
If you believe design can change the world, you’ve found your humans here on ARCHITECTING! This show is about the architect as a person and helps you bypass the status quo traps in our profession and teaches you how to make an impact with real life strategies. Angela Mazzi helps overwhelmed and burned out architects reclaim their passion for great design. Together, we‘ll explore Thought Leadership, how to achieve your next career level, Time/Energy Management tips to stay balanced, Promoting Wellbeing in work and life and Conscious Design and Social Change

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Can You Take Criticism? Should You?
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Everyone's a critic. But when you're on the receiving end, it can be painful to hear you have room for improvement. This episode is your definitive guide to separating constructive criticism from the destructive kind. Learn how to move past anger guilt and shame triggers to leverage feedback and how to question unfair and confusing accusations.
If criticism is specific, solution oriented and based on your actions in a given situation, it is constructive.
Constructive criticism as useful. If you are triggered by it and become defensive, you lose an opportunity to grow as a person and a professional. Being triggered is not a sign that the criticism is destructive
If criticism feels confusing, unfair or attacks your worth as a person, it is destructive.
Destructive criticism is about making you feel bad and holding you back. It shows up as projection of behavior that the critic exhibits onto you and can sound like accusations. Destructive criticism can be disguised as advice to not pursue and opportunity because it's too difficult or you're not ready.
Always get a second or third opinion to help frame the criticism in proper context.
Remember that negative criticism is never about you. Don't accept unfair comments or discriminatory feedback.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Considering architecture is a creative profession, we sure do have a white knuckle grip on a traditionally structured model of practice. Women are redefining what it means to be an architect. Stop weighing down your career trajectory with old assumptions about what work looks like.
Beware of two common false choices about practice:
Being a good/wife/mother/daughter/sister etc. OR having a full throttle career
Asserting yourself and making bold career moves OR being nurturing and likable
Women's careers can be restricted in two ways. Societal bias about our motivations or capabilities and self sabotage in the form of guilt related to the false choices.
When women feel like there is no choice but to struggle, they feel unfulfilled and so they leave. Seek out mentors and know that you are an example for others.
Creating a sense of belonging means redefining work in terms of the resources available and structures that accommodate a different practice model.
To amplify your career without taking on added stress, reach out to an expanded network, question the "reasons" why you are blocked, and give yourself agency to ask for the opportunities you want.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Resourcing Your Career: Interview with Katelyn Rossier
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Architecture careers are murky, opaque things. Good thing there are people willing to light our way. Architect and mentorDINO founder Katelyn Rossier shares her story and why she's so passionate about helping others build a career path that's right for them.
When you want to make a difference, it's easy to get sidelined by impostor syndrome. Asking others what they view as your strengths helps build confidence that you are on the right path.
Form your own mentoring Board of Directors. Make sure it includes peers who work outside of your firm, others in the industry and people you admire as leaders. Chang out your "Board" as needed to suit where you are in your career.
You never have to limit your career to being about just one thing. There can be "ands" and commas in your job description.
Architecture is a passion career and you should expect to have seasons where you put a lot of time into your career. However, if you are guided by your purpose, you'll be energized through those moments.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
How to Start Living a Success Lifestyle Right Now
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Success isn't really about what you have accomplished. So many people who seem to be "winning" at life feel empty inside. If you find yourself paying way too high a price to rack up those wins, listen in to learn how to cultivate a true success feeling today that you can use as a barometer to take future action.
To learn more, go to
Accomplishments will feel empty if you don't feel good. On the flip side of that, if you take actions today that get to the root motivation for your success (empowerment, freedom, joy), you can begin to notice how success really feels and switch from validating to life affirming actions.
Stop being "fine." Think about what you are tolerating that's siphoning off your time and energy.
Re-prioritize your day to make time for the things that matter to you. Say goodbye to things that don't serve.
Build habits around activities that help you feel good about your life purpose.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Misaligned Expectations Leading to Stunted Success and Burnout
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
An astounding majority of people are experiencing burnout. However, it isn't caused by stress alone. Having a lot to do that doesn't feel meaningful or doing things to prove yourself more than the love of the work will get you every time. Recognize these behaviors as early stages of burnout they are.
To learn more, go to and sign up for my Stressless Success Course today
Burnout is caused by feeling no control, a workload that is as overwhelming as it is devoid of resonance and not feeling supported.
Early stages of burnout come with feeling pressure to work harder and perform, which cues the stress response.
Our beliefs about what success really looks like hold us back.
Success is about living your purpose not chasing perfectionism, comparing yourself to others or being validated.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Stuck and Stunted: Get Out of Your Career Rut
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Feeling a little less than fulfilled at work these days? You might have fallen into a high competency rut. The one where you're trapped only doing stuff you're really good at abut don't see a way to expand your horizons or follow your passions. Let's fix that pronto!
To learn more, go to and sign up for my free Stressless Success workskpop.
You can feel trapped in a role you are good at but don't love out of guilt and obligation, which is why you need to train your replacement.
You can get to comfortable doing work where you are highly competent. The internal and external validation that comes from a job well done make you want to keep doing it.
When you view realizing your dreams as risky instead of inevitable, failure becomes something to fear. It feels super safe to stay where you are (even when you long for a change).
Know the difference between work that is important vs inspiring. Don't mistake importance for inspiring. Remember that part of the human condition is to be curious.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
When Stress is Givin’ Ends: What You Should Know About Eustress and Distress
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
As a high performance person, you'd get bored reeaaaalll fast of a completely stress free life. Learn more about eustress, the kind that keeps you curious and motivated. I also share how to spot when distress starts creeping on your happyland and how it fools you into a downward spiral that makes you susceptible to burnout.
To learn more, go to and sign up for my free Stressless Success workskpop.
Eustress is good stress. It keeps us motivated and focused- that hit of adrenaline that makes us excited.
When external burnout conditions are present like work overload, lack of support and too many meaningless tasks, we can slip into distress and rely on our addiction to stress hormones to push through.
Distress creates a physical response in the body that is harmful to our physical and mental health unless we have a physical response soon after it is activated.
When distress is chronic, it harms our well being and leads to burnout. As we deal with this overtime, we become "wired and tired," and unable to relax and rest.
Signs of burnout show up in the body as becoming overly controlling impatient and irritable, brain fog, extreme fatigue, resorting to "comfort habits" to numb out or stimulate ourselves, losing motivation.
To reset, you need to identify the root cause, implement boundaries, and reconnection to self with salutogenic activities.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Qualified! Ways to Chase your own Mastery
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
What makes you qualified to be a leader? It's way more than years of experience and credentials. Listen in to learn how to chase true mastery and lead from where you are today. I answer a question from our community about why she's a leader in professional organizations, but being told she's "not ready" to lead at her firm.
Unconscious bias can exist when you get pigeonholed in a role you are good at performing that you don't want to or need to change. Even if you've grown professionally and developed leadership skills, you may still be perceived the way you were when you began work.
Notice whether your willingness to lead changes depending on the setting. Think about how you show up differently in settings where you feel you are not being seen as a leader.
Have the hard talks. Ask for the opportunities you want and for a timeline and bridge learning/roles to get there.
Demonstrate how the things you are about professionally add value to the firm. Seek mastery in these areas not just credentials.
Leaders take people somewhere they can't get on their own. From whatever level you are, you can share knowledge inspire action and implement positive change.
Know that you're not for everyone. Criticism that helps you make changes for the better is different from criticism that aims to shut down your effort. If you accept that there will be negativity, you can be prepared to adapt and make progress instead of shutting down.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Work as Play? Seismically Shift Your Career
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Living to work or working to live? If you think of work as just another 4 letter word, no wonder it feels like such a heavy lift. Overwhelm stress and burnout set in when the "have to do" parts of the day overshadow the "get to do" parts. Listen in for ways to reset and find your heart in the work.
Living to work means your heart is in it. You love what you do, have a growth mindset and enjoy the process of discovery. Work is play.
There is a difference between a job and a vocation. If you are trading time for dollars you need to seek out more opportunities to bring your purpose into the things you do.
Joy comes from doing meaningful work.
Mastery of the process only comes from iteration. Find the fun in the making and the learning and stop making the end result so precious that getting there is fraught with stress.
Do it messy. But do it. Chase mastery.
You know what you know when you know. Trust your instincts and expertise and the opportunity they give you to reallocate your time to exploring other things.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Career Beige Flags: Your Cause for Pause
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
It's more than just a TikTok trend. Beige flags are signs that the halo around any type of relationship has dimmed. In the workplace, it looks a lot like disengaging and can signal the beginning of the end of a working relationship. It doesn't have to be this way- listen in to learn how to recognize when a beige flag is being thrown and what to do about it.
Is work feeling way more like a bunch of stuff you have to do (sigh) than things you get to do (yay)? When monotony sets in, you know it's time to change things up.
Feeling like not much is worth the effort because nothing you do seems to make a difference anyway? You need to reset your risk vs. reward expectations.
Always exhausted, and too busy but defensive about being asked to do more or a different kind of work? Seek out more meaningful tasks that align with your purpose.
Ask for the opportunities you need based on these things from your leadership. Offer recognition, appreciation and realignment opportunities to those you lead.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

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