ARCHITECTING Podcast - Career + Lifestyle Mentoring for Architects looking to move beyond overwhelm and make a difference through design
If you believe design can change the world, you’ve found your humans here on ARCHITECTING! This show is about the architect as a person and helps you bypass the status quo traps in our profession and teaches you how to make an impact with real life strategies. Angela Mazzi helps overwhelmed and burned out architects reclaim their passion for great design. Together, we‘ll explore Thought Leadership, how to achieve your next career level, Time/Energy Management tips to stay balanced, Promoting Wellbeing in work and life and Conscious Design and Social Change

Monday Dec 18, 2023
Are you Being Made Wrong? Exploring Introvert Shaming
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Introvert shaming is a real phenomenon that blunts the leadership impact and contributions of nearly 50% of the population. Our extrovert-forward culture sets expectations for how we interact that undervalues introvert traits. listen in to learn how to reclaim your power as an introvert.
Introverts can experience bullying over social performance. This causes you to invalidate your own feelings and blame yourself if a meeting or networking event isn't a home run. If can also cause you to be unfavorably compared to extroverted counterparts.
The social tools we are given from early childhood on are rooted in an extroverted persona. Don't blame yourself if they aren't working or you don't feel comfortable using them.
Seek out a social magnet who can help you navigate social situations and break the ice for you.
Introversion occurs along a spectrum and is situational. When you put yourself in a situation where you are more comfortable, you will be more successful.
Find introvert role models.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday Dec 11, 2023
HBIC: The Introvert’s Armor
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
The HBIC is in the room *snap* Being a boss is the way that introverts armor up so they can lead in their comfort zone. This expertise-forward strategy takes no excuses and harbors no fools. It's a persona that's highly entertaining in celebrities and provides sick dialogue in books and movies. IRL, it's another thing entirely.
Adopting a no excuses attitude means you aren't willing to consider alternative approaches and feel attacked by dissent. Cracking the whip makes people walk away not stay in line.
Going it alone sets you up to over commit and over perform. That lone wolf tactic is super exhausting and keeps you isolated from your team.
Leaning into your expertise feels good to introverts. But as you wax poetic from your ivory tower, you aren't making authentic connections. Dictating isn't co-creating.
Getting things done seems good - until you bulldoze over other people because you aren't giving the process room to breathe.
Use questions, not criticism when discussing things that challenge your truths and expectations.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Experience vs. Expertise: Why you need both
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Experience brings perspective, but in your eagerness to inject fresh thinking, you might just be making a whole lot more work for yourself. Stand on the shoulders of those giants who bring wisdom and have already climbed so many decision trees and know which branches lead to dead ends in what circumstances. This episode explores why it's important to stay curious and value both inductive and deductive processes.
Experience is what you've lived, your perspective and differentiator. You don't need expertise for your experience to have value. This is why we need lots of seats at the table.
Expertise is not just what you know - it;s the ability to selectively apply skills and tools to discern and adapt. Without it, you can reinvent way too many wheels or make costly mistakes by not understanding implications of decisions.
The beginner's mind learns from feedback while the liability of expertise is threatened by feedback. Merging both inductive and deductive thinking let's us stay curious, ask better questions and get better solutions faster.
Be vulnerable enough to ask questions and share the lessons you've learned. A lot gets lost when assumptions get made.
Provide psychological safety for those with less expertise to share experience and an environment of respect for those that have it.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Out in Architecture Part 2: Interviews with Amy Rosen Beau Frail, and A.L. Hu
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Who is missing from the conversation about design? What is it costing us not to give more diverse voices a seat at the table or spaces that reflect their identity? Hear from three of the Out in Architecture editors about how we can evolve practice and redefine design. They share their experiences in the profession as members of the LGBTQIA+ community and valuable insights that will help us all make a difference through our work.
We need to be conscious of ways that we make others feel they don't have a voice or that their message doesn't matter. When more voices have an impact on outcomes, projects are better.
Design for the human perspective means being an advocate for social, environmental, cultural and economic issues.
Advocacy requires that you go beyond practice to get involved in building community and raising awareness at both a local and national level.
Keeping your core identity "under the iceberg" requires energy. That same energy could be fueling creativity and innovation, which is why it's important to be comfortable expressing your authentic self.
Being part of a community amplifies the message and allows more intentional encounters.
We need to shift the culture of architecture to value well being, intentionality, and inclusivity over speed to market one size fits all solutions.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Understanding the lived experience of our clients and ourselves is essential to advancing our work as architects. In this interview, I speak with the masterminds behind the book Out in Architecture, a book dedicated to bringing visibility to the voices and experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community. We discuss identity beyond practice, the intersection of identity and practice and reclaiming space and identity. This is essential listening for anyone who wants to advocate for a model of practice that is inclusive and responsive.
There is a difference between lived and adjacent experience. Don't assume that you understand someone's needs - ask.
When you fail to ask "who's missing?" you miss the opportunity to have a more intentional practice and do more intentional work.
Being a platform builder and a convener is important. When people come together, they can leverage one another's experiences.
Find or make your community. As you reach out, you allow others to be seen and find or serve as role models and mentors.
Be open to the serendipity of those who are put in your path.
Slow down to go fast. Frustration to get something done is itself a form of bias. When you slow down you can be more present and intentional. You receive support and ideas from others by relinquishing control.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Practice for a Changing Planet: Interview with Dena Prastos
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
As architects, our work includes clients we have never met- those in the future. My guest Dena Prastos talks about how she built her transdisciplinary firm Indigo River to give architects agency to be more than problem solvers. Listen in to learn why quality of life in how we practice and the spaces we create is our biggest design opportunity.
Embrace multiple points of view by leveraging the language of common experiences.
Convene many voices to embrace constraints as opportunities.
We serve a lot of clients- but need to exercise our agency to uphold not only those who hire us, but other decision makers, stakeholders, the community and future populations.
A supportive firm culture leads to stronger relationships. That trust can be leveraged to innovate and collaborate.
We need to stop glorifying the grit of putting work before quality of life.
Licensure is the start of your career. It's when you are able to assert the agency to advocate for health, safety and welfare issues.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Mentors and Networks: Interview with Carl Sergio and Jordan Kravitz
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
The biggest edge you can get in your career comes from the people in your network. Especially those you seek out as mentors. Listen in on the conversation I had with the leaders of two mentorship programs to hear how to hook yourself up with the guidance you need to bend the curve on yoru career trajectory.
Network before you need it. Networking is essential to growing your career. It's how people learn about you, your interests and capabilities, so plant those seeds starting now.
You should have several mentors at a time. It doesn't have to be a formal relationship, seek out a regular touchpoint with someone further up the career ladder than you.
Don't underestimate the value that your near peers can provide. Just a 5-10 years ahead in their own career journey, they have recent and relevant insights that career aces may not.
Get involved in professional organizations to build your own leadership skills.
Hear the entire 60 minute interview here:
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Is it You? How workplace culture impacts performance
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
While I'm big on personal accountability, a fish in polluted water can't thrive. This episode focuses on the systems that form workplace culture and how they may be unintentionally undermining performance and engagement.
Too often, when behavior problems and conflicts are encountered, we focus on the behavior of the individuals involved without seeing that they are reacting to the pressures of the system where they've been placed. Responses to the individual treat the symptoms, not the root cause.
Much like a faucet turned on full blast while the drain is open, pouring resources into a situation while not fixing the system just wastes the resources.
Behaviors like poor attitudes, bullying or defensiveness come from a system that foments stress and competitiveness.
Take time to understand the sociocultural issues that may also help unlock invisible stressors that impact behavior and create conflict.
Look at your systems of practice and make sure they are aligned with the culture you want to create.
Foster diversity in leadership
Get input on the system from top down and bottom up.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Why Is It So Hard to Delegate?
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Delegating is nothing more than the transfer of responsibility. Super helpful since no way are you keeping all the balls in the air without a little help. In this episode, I explore why it's so hard to let go and give you top notch management strategies to position your projects for success, empower your team and free up your valuable time and energy.
Relinquish control. Seems simple, but for real- do it! Will there be conflicts that arise- yup. Navigating those, not avoiding them at great personal cost is what makes you a good leader.
Assign the right task to the right person with clear parameters. Let them know what resources are available to help them and give them the psychological safety to use those resources.
Give people aligned work that also stretches them so they feel motivated.
Provide a safe space to fail where lessons can be learned and course corrections made. Help others be solution oriented and take accountability for doing things different next time.
Resist the urge to pitch in and do anything that you could delegate.
By delegating, you are modeling what healthy work behavior looks like to your team.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
The 10 Percent Rule
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Does it feel like you have zero energy to grow your career? Like it takes everything you have just to keep your head above water? Fret not my friend- this episode is for you. Learn how just 10 percent of effort can next level your situation (and get you out of chaos). Get tips - supported by physics no less - on how to leverage things you already do and redirect it towards your success.
The first law of thermodynamics states that you need 90 percent of your energy to maintain stability but that extra 10 percent can transfer towards the next higher level.
This can look like redirecting 10 percent of your time - just 144 minutes a day to personal growth or professional development.
Be 10 percent more positive and notice how it energizes you and others you work with to be solution oriented and have more fun at work.
If you have even 10 percent more knowledge than someone else, you can reach them and teach them - buh bye imposter syndrome!
Nothing is ever wasted- look at how past experience or seemingly unrelated interests, hobbies or skills can be applied to a current situation.
Leverage your strengths and invest in unlocking your value by pushing yourself to grow 10 percent in those areas.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

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