ARCHITECTING Podcast - Career + Lifestyle Mentoring for Architects looking to move beyond overwhelm and make a difference through design
If you believe design can change the world, you’ve found your humans here on ARCHITECTING! This show is about the architect as a person and helps you bypass the status quo traps in our profession and teaches you how to make an impact with real life strategies. Angela Mazzi helps overwhelmed and burned out architects reclaim their passion for great design. Together, we‘ll explore Thought Leadership, how to achieve your next career level, Time/Energy Management tips to stay balanced, Promoting Wellbeing in work and life and Conscious Design and Social Change

Friday Feb 03, 2023
Using Conscious Language
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
What you say and how you say it can build trust, confer agency and make people feel good around you. Learn common speaking mistakes that torpedo your success so you can stop making them already!
Avoid using absolutes or negative language- even when referring to yourself.
Receive compliments by appreciating the acknowledgement of your effort and contribution instead of deflecting them.
Don't let your own bias about the default normal lead to othering by singling out group or population.
Be decisive and descriptive- there is no need to qualify everything your say.
Beware vocal fry. Ending sentences as if you are asking a question instead of making a statement makes you appear to doubt yourself,
Drop the jargon, lingo and multi-syllabic words. Speak plainly and directly so that your audience can understand and relate to you.
Acknowledge the challenges and empathize with dilemmas and tough decisions.
Get your spot for my free webinar: Stop the Slog: take back your time and earn more
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Provoking the ”aha!”
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Gotta love those lighbulb moments when you get that flash of inspiration and clarity. Don't you wish they could happen on the regular? In this episode, I'll share ways to provoke the "aha" so you can enjoy wisdom and creativity downloads on demand.
Get out of your comfort zone. Nothing good ever happens to you there because it maintains the status quo.
Plug into your intuition and let it guide you to possibilities instead of accepting a limited list based on your past experiences.
Do a longitudinal study of your life. Taking a retrospective view of everything you've accomplished and why it mattered to you helps you to get clarity on your purpose.
Start making room to boldly pursue the things you love- even if you have to invest opportunities for yourself.
Get your spot for my free webinar: Stop the Slog: take back your time and earn more
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Cultivating Your Corporate Culture: Interview with Shannon Hughes
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Workplace culture exists whether or not it's intentional. My guest Shannon Hughes shares expert advice on building a value based culture that scales with your firm, gives everyone a voice, and opens the door for innovation.
Staff engagement happens when you create psychological safety- don't be afraid of the tension that can arise between maintaining the status quo and trying something new.
Decision makers are influencers of culture. Provide context for change by sharing history and lessons learned.
How you communicate culture impacts both staff and the clients you are trying to attract
You can keep culture and values prominent even before you have budget and strategy in place
Adopt a "yes and" strategy to keep the story moving forward as you ideate.
Get your spot for my free webinar: Stop the Slog: take back your time and earn more
Linked in at Shannon Hughes
Website: to learn more or get your free download
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Put your Career on the Playground Instead of the Obstacle Course
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Is your career a job you have to do, or a calling you get to do? Instead of viewing your career path as a grueling obstacle course, let's hang on the playground instead. That's where all the fun and creativity is anyway.
Obstacles are no fun- they drain our resources. Thinking of your career as play helps you be lighter about things and choose opportunities that feel good to you.
Your aspirations come with doubts and fears about what you believe is possible. Look past that filter to see what is really possible.
Play instead of test
Be relentless about pursuing what matters to you in your career- don't give bad actors your power.
Ask for the opportunities you want instead of settling with what you get.
Move from defense to offense by getting out of victim mode. Focus on what you want, not what you don't.
Get your spot for my free webinar: Fast track: take back your time and earn more
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Friday Jan 06, 2023
Confidence as a State of Being: Interview with Nicole Kalil
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Confidence is an inside job. My guest Nicole Kalil shows you how to stop looking for validation and start aligning with your inner knowing. Learn how your fears and failures build trust and courage needed for true confidence.
Confidence is alignment with your inner knowing- validation is just the icing on your confidence cake.
When you try to be everything to everyone you aren't living your purpose. Look to your body for clues: if something is exhausting or uncomfortable, it's not aligned.
Comparison is the thief of confidence. Shift from making your progress about you not how other people are doing.
Emotions are indicators. When you work past negative ones, you build trust and courage which leads to confidence.
Overthinking leads to inaction which leads to regret. You will regret what you didn't do far more than what you did.
Stop being more committed to your limitations than your opportunities.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday Jan 02, 2023
Power Play: How to Show Up Strong
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Power gets a bad rap as a vehicle for exploitation and abuse. Real power is something altogether different. Listen in to learn why being powerful is your birthright and three ways you can express it with integrity.
You are meant to have and use power as a force for good. Bullying is actually a reflection of being powerless and trying to take power form others.
Power requires that you be vulnerable and let go of the need for acceptance and approval.
Advocacy is a form of power that gives others agency.
Sovreignty is a form of power that allows you to be your own person and stop proving yourself
Audacity is a form of power that lets you question assumptions and systems
Because power is energy, when you engage in power struggles, you give away your energy and therefore your power.
Sign up for my Mindfulness Challenge to make 2023 your best year ever here.
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Get your copy of my Time Builder Book here
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Stop Making Resolutions that Don’t Work
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
It's that time of year. When we assess where we are, find faults, and resolve to do better. However, most resolutions don't even make it 6 weeks into the new year. Make 2023 your best year ever by ditching the resolutions and using the methods in this Episode.
Find the "hell yes" for your soul instead of fixating on the things you think you should be doing.
Being is always more powerful than doing. Choosing a word of the year help you align the things you do with who you want to be.
Use your work as a filter to help you make choices in every moment
Employ a mindfulness practice to help you stay the course.
Sign up for my Mindfulness Challenge to make 2023 your best year ever here.
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Get your copy of my Time Builder Book here
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Release the Need to Overperform
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Doing too much is a big sad. The amount of work you do isn't related to how well you are performing. The frazzle and overwhelm are a real joy killer. Listen in to learn three things you can do today to stop overperforming.
Overperforming comes from a need for external validation. Spend your time and energy strategically instead.
Make space for joy by evaluating which obligations are necessary and which one you can let go.
Be an advocate for your time and defend time to rest in any form.
Delegate or decline more things.
Consider what can be done together with a client or in your personal life instead of doing too much preparation.
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Get your copy of my Time Builder Book here
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Monday Dec 12, 2022
The Architecture of Sleep: Interview with Megan Mazzocco
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Sleep is the #1 predictor of health outcomes, yet most of us don't get enough of it. Listen in to learn how to up the quality and amount of sleep you get each night to improve your physical and mental health, boost your creativity and increase longevity.
You need a minimum of 7 1/2 hours of sleep each night in order for your body and brain to detox and reset.
A 30 minute nap can be restorative
Sleep hygiene starts when you wake up each day. Exposure to daylight, movement, nutrition and a consistent nighttime ritual will improve the quality of your sleep.
A multi-sensory sleep ritual provides your body with multiple cues to wind down each night.
Hear the entire 60 minute interview with Megan here
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
What Your Body Really Wants You to Know About Living Your Best Life
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Ready to stop living from the neck up? In a hyper-vigilant state of endless thought loops? Listen to this excerpt from my Salutogenesis for Your Soul event and start integrating the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical parts of you for stressless success.
Our four bodies are interconnected. That's why it's so important to be attuned to how you physically feel instead of always trying to push through.
The stress response causes us to navigate the world from a state of fear.
Salutogenesis is a way to generate health by sending the physical body cues that it is safe and can relax. All five aspects (sense of coherence, self-efficacy, relaxation response, prospect and refuge and biophilia) are important to include in your lifestyle.
Salutogenesis resets the nervous system and allows the body to focus on regeneration and healing. This message then spreads to the other three bodies creating less stress and more clarity and well being.
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Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

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